Maven Target

Started by huhlig, September 07, 2015, 22:21:56

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Just curious when you guys are planning on putting up a snapshot repository for the stable and/or nightlies. It would be a lot easier to test if We didn't have to manually update local repos on a regular basis.


they did:

but I tried to use as library in intellij (I am coding in scala, so I do not have the whole project in maven, only libraries) and the snapshots did not work (only the stable). I am fighting with it, If I manage to put to work, I will post the solution here.


LWJGL 3 is still in alpha, I'm guessing once it goes in to formal beta there will be more regular updates to Maven. A lot of people are using the alpha now, including me, so I feel your pain but there are quite a few updates published and its not practical to upload them all to maven.


Nightly builds can be used with Maven/Grandle with:

Version: 3.0.0b-SNAPSHOT

The stable build currently can only be downloaded from the site. I do not recommend using the 3.0.0a build. It was a premature release just to get something out there.