Problems with 2nd monitor activated

Started by Spezi, October 03, 2006, 13:03:47

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If I run our game with a 2nd monitor enabled the background texture is not loaded and i get the following message with

Could not locate symbol wglGetExtensionsStringARB
Could not locate symbol wglGetExtensionsStringEXT

Is there any way to fix this or at least to check if more than one monitor is active?
Ich bin, ich weiß nicht wer.
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Ich gehe, ich weiß nicht wohin.
Mich wundert, dass ich so fröhlich bin.


err - I have three monitors, and no issues.
Are you sure you didn't change primary monitor and have two graphics cards in the computer ?


Quote from: "Matzon"Are you sure you didn't change primary monitor and have two graphics cards in the computer ?

I didn't change anything, just a primary and a secondary (not cloned) monitor. Both connected to one graphics card (ATI Radeon x700 Pro for PCI Express).
Ich bin, ich weiß nicht wer.
Ich komme, ich weiß nicht woher.
Ich gehe, ich weiß nicht wohin.
Mich wundert, dass ich so fröhlich bin.


I have the same problem on another PC with 2 monitors.
Same settings (both monitors plugged into one graphics card and primary+secondary monitor) but this time with a ATI 9600 Pro All-In-Wonder.

Maybe this is only with ATI cards/drivers?

So if this can't be fixed, is there any way to check how many monitors are currently active so I can prompt the user to disable the other ones?
Ich bin, ich weiß nicht wer.
Ich komme, ich weiß nicht woher.
Ich gehe, ich weiß nicht wohin.
Mich wundert, dass ich so fröhlich bin.


Quote from: "Spezi"
Could not locate symbol wglGetExtensionsStringARB
Could not locate symbol wglGetExtensionsStringEXT

Those are a bit odd. Could you post the various GL info strings (GL_RENDERER, GL_VENDOR, GL_VERSION)?

- elias


Quote from: "elias"Could you post the various GL info strings (GL_RENDERER, GL_VENDOR, GL_VERSION)?

Hmm interesting, from the PC mentioned in the 3rd post i got...

with 1 monitor:
GL_VENDOR: ATI Technologies Inc.  
GL_VERSION: 2.0.6012 WinXP Release

with 2 monitors:
GL_VENDOR: Microsoft Corporation

What can I do?
Ich bin, ich weiß nicht wer.
Ich komme, ich weiß nicht woher.
Ich gehe, ich weiß nicht wohin.
Mich wundert, dass ich so fröhlich bin.


make sure the ati one is the primary?


Hmm, odd. Have you set the org.lwjgl.opengl.Display.allowSoftwareOpenGL flag?

- elias


well, in this case he'd just end up creating the display on the generic display and get software eumlation.

I just dont get why this is happening, unless the display is being created on the secondary display, which would be odd.


Quote from: "Matzon"make sure the ati one is the primary?
How do you mean that? There's only the ATI one.

Quote from: "elias"Have you set the org.lwjgl.opengl.Display.allowSoftwareOpenGL flag?
Yes, it's set. I removed it but the problem remains.
I thought software mode will only be used if no hardware mode is available.

Quote from: "Matzon"I just dont get why this is happening, unless the display is being created on the secondary display, which would be odd.
The game is shown on the primary monitor as usual.
Ich bin, ich weiß nicht wer.
Ich komme, ich weiß nicht woher.
Ich gehe, ich weiß nicht wohin.
Mich wundert, dass ich so fröhlich bin.


The game runs in 1280x1024.

Now a bit loose thinking:
Maybe a small part of the game window is shown on the second monitor (which is placed right to the primary one).
So I scaled it down a little to 1278x1022 and it runs fine now apart from the missing pixels on every side.
1279x1023, 1279x1022 or 1278x1023 don't work.

I can't keep it in this size since it runs in windowed mode (using AWTGLCanvas) and if it's not filling this resolution the Windows Taskbar is shown and overlapping a part of the window.
Ich bin, ich weiß nicht wer.
Ich komme, ich weiß nicht woher.
Ich gehe, ich weiß nicht wohin.
Mich wundert, dass ich so fröhlich bin.

Fool Running

QuoteMaybe a small part of the game window is shown on the second monitor (which is placed right to the primary one).
Can you see part of the game window on the second monitor?
QuoteI can't keep it in this size since it runs in windowed mode (using AWTGLCanvas) and if it's not filling this resolution the Windows Taskbar is shown and overlapping a part of the window.
Is there a reason you have to run in windowed mode? You seem to be trying to make it as big as the screen anyways...
Is it possible its a Java-LWJGL interaction problem when the AWTGLCanvas is the same size/bigger than the screen?
Programmers will, one day, rule the world... and the world won't notice until its too late.Just testing the marquee option ;D


Quote from: "Fool Running"
Quote from: "Spezi"Maybe a small part of the game window is shown on the second monitor (which is placed right to the primary one).
Can you see part of the game window on the second monitor?
No. As I wrote, with 1278x1022 there is one pixel missing on every side, so there cannot be something on the other screen with 1280x1024.
Quote from: "Fool Running"
Quote from: "Spezi"I can't keep it in this size since it runs in windowed mode (using AWTGLCanvas) and if it's not filling this resolution the Windows Taskbar is shown and overlapping a part of the window.
Is there a reason you have to run in windowed mode? You seem to be trying to make it as big as the screen anyways...
If it would be possible to change to fullscreen I would do that but I don't know how.
Ich bin, ich weiß nicht wer.
Ich komme, ich weiß nicht woher.
Ich gehe, ich weiß nicht wohin.
Mich wundert, dass ich so fröhlich bin.

Fool Running

QuoteIf it would be possible to change to fullscreen I would do that but I don't know how.
Sorry :oops: , I guess my question should have been: "Is there a reason you have to use an AWTGLCanvas?"If you want your entire OpenGL window to fill the screen, you should just use the built in display handing in LWJGL (i.e. set fullscreen on the display with setFullscreen()) and don't use an AWTGLCanvas.

If you need to use a AWTGLCanvas, then I think you are right... there is no way to go fullscreen in Java. You have to make a window as big as the screen... :cry:

Anyone else have any ideas? :lol:
Programmers will, one day, rule the world... and the world won't notice until its too late.Just testing the marquee option ;D


Quote from: "Fool Running"
Quote from: "Spezi"If it would be possible to change to fullscreen I would do that but I don't know how.
Sorry :oops: , I guess my question should have been: "Is there a reason you have to use an AWTGLCanvas?"If you want your entire OpenGL window to fill the screen, you should just use the built in display handing in LWJGL (i.e. set fullscreen on the display with setFullscreen()) and don't use an AWTGLCanvas.
Right, I used LWJGL's Display before I needed to play Quicktime movies within the game, so I changed everything to AWTGLCanvas and lost the chance to switch to real fullscreen.

But my problem is still not solved. :cry:
Ich bin, ich weiß nicht wer.
Ich komme, ich weiß nicht woher.
Ich gehe, ich weiß nicht wohin.
Mich wundert, dass ich so fröhlich bin.