LWJGL not working

Started by Aslan, July 10, 2012, 20:04:24

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Hello fellow programmers,

I have tried several times to get LWJGL working in Java.
However I didn't succeed.
I seem to get the same bug everytime.
According to the bug report the natives aren't in the correct location.

I followed a few exact tutorials on how to implement LWJGL into Eclipse.


Bug report and files are in the picture given above.

Thanks in advance,


P.S. I tried referring internally and externally, but both give the same result.



Do normal LWJGL applications work on your system? Such as this? http://www.minds-eye-games.com/applets/pong-applet.html

Simon Felix

Move the natives to the root of the project (or whatever is set as startup directory of your app in the Run configuration).
Download Cultris II, the fastest Tetris clone from http://gewaltig.net/


@Simon That is not a good way to fix this.

Checking to see if he can run other, already working projects determines if it's a problem with his system instead of his setup. If it is a problem with his setup, he should fix it properly.


I can play Minecraft normally, which is based on LWJGL if I'm correct.
The applet gave an error though: "Unable to load logo and progressbar images"


Hmm. Odd. I'm not quite sure what to say - I don't know the internal details of LWJGL that well.   :-\


I also get the same error with that applet, but I can run minecraft via applet, so that's not the problem.

Your eclipse setup isn't complete.

check this page: http://www.lwjgl.org/installation.php
or better here: http://www.lwjgl.org/wiki/index.php?title=Setting_Up_LWJGL_with_Eclipse

You need to link the jars (seems to work for you) and link the natives(may be the problem). I know years ago I had to put '-Djava.library.path=natives/linux64' (I'm a linux user) to VM argumetns in run configurations. But You can also try to set the natives like in the second link  (which seems to be more modern approach)