Installing lwjgl "Correctly".... Need help? Thanks

Started by Flakman, January 14, 2006, 07:37:21

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I am having trouble with getting my library files set up with lwgjl. For as many years as I have programmed with java I rarely ever deal with it in this fashion. I looked at the install on the install part of the main page, but only found myself confused. I use Borland rather than netbeans or Jcreator. Anyhow if anyone can help me get over my cranial spasms it would be much appretiated.



Generally you don't "install" LWJGL. You place it in a dir (excluding jre/bin and jre/ext), and then point your IDE to the jars.
When you execute your application you need to tell the VM where to locate the native libraries. This is usually done by appending a -Djava.library.path=/path/to/native/libs to either the commandline or the IDE interface for VM options.

I don't use Borland myself, so I can't really help you in that regard.

Fool Running

I use JBuilder mostly (Although I'm trying to switch to Netbeans now that its got some of the features I wanted)

Goto tools/Configure/libraries
Add LWJGL to the libraries by clicking new and following the wizard. (Add the LWJGL Jar files to the library)
Goto Project/Project properties
Under paths press the required library tab and add the LWJGL library you just created
Under run (make a new runtime configuration if you don't have one) click edit
Under the Edit configuration dialog click run and put the path that Matzon said in the VM parameters section. (To the Dll files)

I think that should do it  :D

EDIT: This was with JBuilder 2005 (I don't know which version you are using) but they should be simmilar
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