getAxisValue prior to events always returns -1

Started by Sardtok, July 17, 2009, 23:17:30

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Not sure if this is a known problem, and I'm guessing it's a jInput problem, rather than a LWJGL problem.
If I get axis values with getXAxisValue and getYAxisValue, it always returns -1 prior to other events on the controller (haven't tried using getAxisValue(axisId), but I'm guessing it would have the same result.)
If a button is pressed, or an axis is moved, it instantly changes to the correct value.

Can't remember this happening in old versions of LWJGL (1.4), but I just started working on stuff again and changed to 2.1.
igg -- Take me off for great justice?


How do you read jinput events ? Me, it's always worked like that from within a while(pad.hasEvent()) {
Event e = pad.nextEvent()} :
float val = Math.round(e.getValue()); button = e.getComponent();
        if (_isDebugEnabled()) {
        int ID = (val == -1f || val == 1f) ? KeyEvent.KEY_PRESSED : KeyEvent.KEY_RELEASED;
        if (button.getIdentifier() instanceof {

And to answer your asking : I need to store the val=e.getValue() for the next event to know when the button is released in what direction did it go.


Actually I'm not using the event system for axes here.
I discard axis events.
What I meant about prior to other events, was if no events have happened on the controller (i.e. the user hasn't touched the controller), then all axes return -1 as their coordinates.
So something like this:
// In init
controller = Controllers.getController(0); // I actually put all the controllers in an array, but anyway.
// In update
xAxis = controller.getXAxisValue();
yAxis = controller.getYAxisValue();
// In render
bitmapFont.drawString(String.format("xAxis: %3.1f%nyAxis: %3.1f"), x, y);

Until I actually do something with the controller, both the x and y axes have the position -1.
Of course, I could probably make a check to see if all axes return -1 and that way tell that the controller isn't ready, but it doesn't seem very efficient.
igg -- Take me off for great justice?


I think Axis should return 0 as the zero pos, not -1... maybe its a stick and it is hanging down LOL


Yeah, if only the sticks were all sticking to their -1 position.
If I press a button or anything, all the axes become 0.
I'm suspecting this is a bug in jInput, and not really related to LWJGL.
igg -- Take me off for great justice?