Quick info about content

Started by jakethesnake, December 07, 2021, 12:41:58

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I just downloaded 3.3.0 through the customize option on the website.

I'm a bit confused surrounding the content you may pick from. I'm all for this option, it's great. But I have to google every single option there, and I still don't understand what it's for. Some are apparent though, but I'm not sure if lwjgl loads these on the fly in some cases to create optimizations, for instance memory allocators.

It would be nice to have a page somewhere, that sums up what they all do, maybe a summary/on hover on the customize page.


There's a "Show descriptions" button that will display descriptions/links for each module. It's OK if you don't need most of them. That's the whole point of making LWJGL modular, users can pick only the subset they actually have use for.

The only module that is automatically loaded by the LWJGL core, when available in the class/module-path, is jemalloc. It will use it by default for memory allocations, instead of the default memory allocator on the system.


You got me, great that that's there! And a very nice feature. I would suggest moving the show descriptions button to the middle of the two rightmost columns, but that's just nit-picking. Beware of steamworks4j !!! Causes a lot of JVM crashes.