How do you clear out lights?

Started by elias4444, March 07, 2005, 17:02:37

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I've been running into a problem reusing lights between different game scenes (e.g., GL_LIGHT1). It seems to retain whatever information I gave it from the scene before (like if the first scene used specular lighting, but in the second scene, I don't want it to). I'm using the following command sequence to clear the screen each frame:


Is there one to clear out the "light buffers"?

Orangy Tang

You can glEnable/Disable each LIGHT_1 etc. as needed. Lights are OpenGL state and persist just like current blend mode etc.


I'm going through my code, and realizing that it may not in fact be the light's fault... I keep getting specular light when I don't want it, which seems to be related to the glMaterial call I'm making:

So, I guess my question should have been: How do you turn off the Material flag, so as to disable specular effects from once scene to another. Even if I don't call the glMaterial functions, they seem to carry over from frame to frame, or scene to scene.

Orangy Tang

You could easily set the specular material colour to black. Since specular is added ('cos its basically a reflection) that'll mean it has no effect.


The specular material property can be set to black.  Other material properties can be set back to default values.  As far as I know you can't turn off materials.  By default the material diffuse and ambient colors are shades of gray.

I use a function like this to clear material settings:

   public void clearMaterial() {
        GL11.glMaterial(GL11.GL_FRONT, GL11.GL_AMBIENT, noAmbient);  // 0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f, 1f
        GL11.glMaterial(GL11.GL_FRONT, GL11.GL_DIFFUSE, noDiffuse);  // 0.8f, 0.8f, 0.8f, 1f 
        GL11.glMaterial(GL11.GL_FRONT, GL11.GL_EMISSION, noColor);   // 0,0,0,1
        GL11.glMaterial(GL11.GL_FRONT, GL11.GL_SPECULAR, noColor);   // 0,0,0,1
        GL11.glMaterial(GL11.GL_FRONT, GL11.GL_SHININESS, noShine ); // 0,0,0,0

The arguments (noAmbient, noColor, noShine) are floatbuffers that contain the commented values.
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