Why isn't gluLookAt() working?

Started by elias4444, January 23, 2005, 04:52:06

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As far as I can tell, I've got everything setup right using gluPerspective(). My screen comes up, I'm drawing things now, I've even got a nice little algorithm that tells me exactly what z-plane is my reference plane (for 1:1 resolution stuff) and what size my far backplane is. However, for some odd reason, I just can't get gluLookAt to do anything. I've tried numerous combinations of values, but it doesn't do a thing. I'm just wanting to move the camera position once in a while. Is there some sort of flag I have to glEnable first or something?


Ugh... I swear, Murphy's law is working overtime on me these days. I should probably just delete this post, but in case there's someone out there who turns out to be as silly as myself:

The camera position resets itself to the perspective's default position on every redraw. Therefore, you must call the gluLookAt for each redraw of the screen (i.e., make it part of your render loop).

Well, I'm going to go eat a big slice of humble-pie now.  :?