
Started by Vifani83, December 17, 2004, 10:15:10

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Someone knows how to use GL20.glGetAttribLocationARB in LWJGL? When I use it, I receive the following error:

java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: nglGetAttribLocation

I have no problem to use ARBShaderObjects.glGetUniformLocationARB, but there is some trouble for attributes.


To use the GL20 class your card's driver needs to support OpenGL 2.0, which I'm sure it doesn't. You should use ARBShaderObjects (and ARBVertexShader, ARBFragmentShader) for now.


I have solved with ARBVertexShader.

The developing system have a Radeon 9600XT. I think it will support OpenGL 2.0.


Yes it will, but neither ATI nor NVIDIA have implemented it yet. I'd expect to see support in a couple of months. Although I'm a little skeptic about ATI, since they are supposed to be rewriting from scratch their OpenGL drivers...