Indie Fighting Game using LWJGL!

Started by cpope9141, July 20, 2023, 19:40:57

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Hey everyone!

I have been working on an indie fighting game called Area Zero, which uses the LWJGL. Specifically, it uses Vulkan, GLFW, OpenAL, ShaderC, JOML, VMA and STB. You can download the demo from my website: It currently uses an EXE as a wrapper (via Launch4j), but I would like to know of better options for distribution. Also, I would like to release the demo for Mac users (via MoltenVK), but I am not as experienced using Macs and not sure how to do a similar wrapper. Feedback is much appreciated!


Screen shots and how-to-play videos are available on the "Area Zero" page.


The August release (v0.3.0) of Area Zero is available for download from! Try it out and provide feedback. You will also find how to play videos on the download page.


The October release (v0.5.0) of my indie fighting game is now available for download at! Constructive feedback is always welcome.


Hi CPOPE9141!

Your game looked great to me from the pictures. Once I've played it, I can confirm it's so good: the art, controls, animations, sound. You could improve some of the animated frames, but other than that, I can say this is one of the most impressive game projects on LWJGL I've known.

See, almost everyone is trying to do 3D stuff and from-scratch-renderers without focusing too much on the game itself. I don't personally think that is a bad idea. On the contrary, it's beautiful. However, people seem to loose the real focus: the fun of a game and all the feelings it can give you. I think your game precisely combines these two aspects so great. I mean, this is done from scratch, only with the aid of the LWJGL libraries. This must required from you a lot of time, and that is great because you learned a lot. One could think this is another experimental project, and while that possibly true, that is the essence of the indie game development: to create whatever is in your mind. However, that doesn't mean everyone must focus on the renderer part for instance, because that could be discouraging. But the fact you did it in that way, it automatically gives it more value, because it reflects passion on it. I say this precisely because there are some people saying "ah ok you did this with no engine. Then you've lost a lot of time".

At first I couldn't play it. "Couldn't create Vulkan instance". Clearly that computer didn't support Vulkan (it has 8 years of existence haha). Finally, I managed to play it. It achieves that good fighting vibes, like the ones from Street Fighter. I also value the fact that the animated models give it the feel of depth, kind of what isometric games do.

Don't worry too much at first with the distribution. In fact, I think it its well distributed. I didn't expect an extractor, but it makes the game easy to begin (is it also made with Launch4j?). Maybe there's another work-around: an installer. I've never achieved nor the former nor the latter. I cannot give you any advise because me (and I think many others) have faced similar distribution problems. In my case, what I usually do is to pack libraries and natives on JAR building. Then with Launch4j I pack it into an EXE file and then on the same folder I put every other resources. I couldn't find a way to also pack the JRE with Launch4j. I've seen you packed the JDK. Couldn't it be sufficient with the JRE? I think this is a contiuum problem for almost every people that works with Java and even more if we are working with natives... By the way, since you talked about Mac, the distribution problem gets even bigger on the window system from GLFW. That's another pending task for almost everyone that works with LWJGL.

In sum, your game is a(n) (impressive) game, not only some graphics testing. It is complex, since it uses Vulkan and I understood no library was used for physics other than JOML. At the same time it's simplified in a smooth and fun gameplay, that is, it combines those two areas usually hard to master: the technical/graphics/sound (engine) part and the game itself, to the extent it is even original on the former given the animated graphics.

I encourage you to publish it on TIGsource Playtesting forum if you haven't already done it, so that you receive more feedback. I see you have a webpage. I can confirm you I now admire your work.


Quote from: Adro on November 03, 2023, 17:02:04
Don't worry too much at first with the distribution. In fact, I think it its well distributed. I didn't expect an extractor, but it makes the game easy to begin (is it also made with Launch4j?). Maybe there's another work-around: an installer. I've never achieved nor the former nor the latter. I cannot give you any advise because me (and I think many others) have faced similar distribution problems. In my case, what I usually do is to pack libraries and natives on JAR building. Then with Launch4j I pack it into an EXE file and then on the same folder I put every other resources. I couldn't find a way to also pack the JRE with Launch4j. I've seen you packed the JDK. Couldn't it be sufficient with the JRE? I think this is a contiuum problem for almost every people that works with Java and even more if we are working with natives... By the way, since you talked about Mac, the distribution problem gets even bigger on the window system from GLFW. That's another pending task for almost everyone that works with LWJGL.

Thank you for taking the time to download the game and provide in depth feedback! I am grateful.

For distribution, I am using Launch4j to create a wrapper, then 7-Zip SFX Maker to extract and run. The EXE is not signed, which will probably frighten away potential players with false positive virus threats.

I plan to continue development over the next year to see how far I can take it. Thank you again for playing!


The November release of Area Zero (v.0.6.0) is now available for download from!

Release Notes:
0.6.0 (11/19/2023)
  - Niven given unique sound assets
  - Iteration on art assets for Richard and Niven
  - Added announcer sound assets for Richard and Niven on character select screen
  - Fixed bug where a knockout with Richard's super could leave opponent suspended in air.
  - Rework menus to detect raw controller inputs (A/B, cross/circle, etc.) so if controller binding changes,
    menu input handling is unaffected.
  - Controller layout changed:
      - 6 buttons (LP, MP, HP, LK, MK, HK) reduced to 4 buttons (LP, HP, LK, HK) with command normals
        (i.e. direction plus button).
      - Special attacks are now activated with a single button (referred to from here on as S), reduced from (HP + HK).
      - EX Special attacks are now activated by (S + HP).
      - Super attacks are now activated by (S + HP + LP).
  - Sweep attacks, and their response actions have been removed for now.
  - Controller binding menu now accessed through pause menu in either versus or training mode.
  - Controller binding edits disallowed when keyboard is the input device
    (i.e. can only change button binding of controllers).


Quote from: Adro on November 03, 2023, 17:02:04
I encourage you to publish it on TIGsource Playtesting forum if you haven't already done it, so that you receive more feedback. I see you have a webpage. I can confirm you I now admire your work.

Thanks for the heads up! I posted in the forum requesting feedback.


The December release of Area Zero (v0.7.0) is now available at !

Release Notes 0.7.0 (12/19/2023)
  -Tutorial mode added that covers all the basics:
    -Basic movements, dashing and running.
    -Normal attacks
    -Grab and grab escape
    -Special, EX special and super attacks.
  -Finished art assets for all of Richard's and Niven's special and super attacks.
  -Variant of Corporate HQ: Parking Garage (Night) added with unique background music.
  -Fixed audio bug in Violet's projectiles
  -Reset controller bindings on disconnect so that keyboard may be used as a fall back.


The January release of Area Zero (v0.8.0) is now available for download:

Release Notes:
0.8.0 (01/18/2024)
  1.Ex Cancel routes expanded:
    a. Standing specials can be canceled into any other standing special for 2 blue meters.
    b. Special attacks tuned to accommodate new routes.
  2. Move lists now available for all characters through the pause menu.
  3. Universals established:
    a. Every character has a back + HP command normal.
    b. Every character can chain together their LP, HP and back + HP attacks.
    c. Every character's back + HP can cancel into special or super.
  4. Advanced tutorial mode added; Covers universals, cancels and Hold-to-Cancel feature.
  5. Credits screen added and Patrons are acknowledged.
  6. Richard's attack animations shaded and colored.
  7. Additional animations for Richard and Niven shaded and colored.


The February release of Area Zero (v0.9.0) is now available for download:

Release Notes:
0.9.0 (02/18/2024)
  1. All characters now have an air special attack. This attack is activated by pressing the special attack button while airborne.
  2. All of Richard's animations are color mapped.
  3. All of Niven's attack animations are color mapped.
  4. Get up animations (wake up) can be canceled into any grounded special attack.
  5. Down specials can now be activated immediately from standing state.
  6. Tutorials improved and expanded to include new attacks and features.
  7. New color palettes added for each playable character.
  8. Wall bounce tweaked to be more consistent.
  9. Fixed sound effect issue related to characters in hit stun.
  10. Fixed linked animation issue.


The March release of Area Zero (v0.10.0) is now available for download:

Release Notes:
0.10.0 (3/19/2024)
  1. Adjustments made to all characters after 03/12 competitive bracket (v0.9.6)
     including frame data and hit/hurt/collision boxes.
    a. Niven's "Respecatable Lariat" is now fully vunerable, but hurt boxes are recessed.
    b. Niven's super no longer hits off the ground and only hits mid and high.
    c. Victor's "Gore" attack is no longer fully invulnerable on start up. Can now be hit low.
    d. B.P.V.'s "Frustrated Fists" start up increased.
    e. B.P.V.'s meter gain rate reduced to 90% (where it should have been).
    f. B.P.V.'s super damage reduced to 510 (down from 580).
    g. Violet's super projectile now has wider hit box.
    h. Richard's super whiff animation has longer duration.
  2. All hit pause durations increased by one frame.
  3. Any special attack can now be canceled into a super attack. Results vary, but more options available.
  4. In the case of a trade, the hit pause duration is now the maximum of the two trading attacks.

0.9.6 (03/10/2024)
  1. Add recovery to BPV's Ill Wheel Kick to prevent infinite.
  2. Fix typos in tutorials.
  3. Restore OTG for Richards regular Curb Stomp.
0.9.5 (03/07/2024)
  1. All of Niven's animations are color mapped.
  2. Round structure implemented.
  3. Taunt reworked to give each character unique bonuses. Bonuses listed in move lists.
  4. Improvements to audio code.
  5. Red/blue meter gain systems revised.
  6. Iteration on all character's moves and frame data.
  7. Iteration on run/dash velocities.
  8. Updated tutorials.


Area Zero will be in the Indie Developer area at Combo Breaker May 24-26:

The May release (v0.13.0) is also available for download:

0.13.0 (5/20/2024)
  1. Iterate on Parking Garage (Day) art.
  2. Grapple damage adjusted for Niven and Richard.
  3. Character attributes exaggerated:
      a. Richard's recovery rate reduced, while Violet and B.P.V.'s are increased.
     b. B.P.V.'s guard capacity reduced from 950 to 900 (can be increased by taunting).
     c. Richard's default walk velocities reduced (can be increased by taunting).
  4. Preparing assets for Michael and Christopher debut.

0.12.5 (5/11/2024)
  1. Improvements to stages (art) and fixes popping issue with foreground elements.
  2. Allow super attack to cancel getting up (get up tutorial updated).
  3. Add recovery to Violet's airborne projectile.
  4. Adjustments to Richard's attacks:
       a. Regular air lariat no longer launches, but keeps opponent grounded and staggered.
      b. +2 frames of recovery added to EX running stomp.
      c. Super attack total damage reduced from 570 to 510. Yes, it was OP.
  5. Matches no longer starts with full super meter.
  6. Updated tutorials, clarifying wording in objectives.
  7. Polish throw animations and responses.
  8. Polish various attack and response animations.
  9. Reduce Richard's dashing/run velocities.
  10.Increased damage to Victor's teleport attack.
  11.Title screen revised.
  12.Damage scaling introduced:
       a. Violet and BPV's scaling begins on hit 17 of a combo
      b. Victor and Niven's scaling begins on hit 11 of a combo.
      c. Richard's scaling begins on hit 9 of a combo.
  13.Red parry now requires that you tap either forward or down, depending on whether the incoming attack is
     hitting high or low respectively.

0.12.0 (4/21/2024)
  1. Improvements to Richard's animations
  2. New stage added: Hemlock Road.

0.11.5 (4/14/2024)
  1. Improved Niven attack and response animations.
  2. Iteration on color palettes.
  3. Updated move lists to show separate buttons for special (Sp) and super (Su).
  4. Improved Richard special and super attack animations.
  4. Adjustments to Richard:
     a. A.HK no longer wall bounces the opponent.
     b. Overreach now hits once; The EX version still hits twice, but with adjusted frame data.   

0.11.0 (4/4/2024)
  1. Collision, hit and hurt boxes adjusted for all characters.
  2. Restored Parry. Now the player has the option to do a "red" parry (i.e. parry out of block stun)
  3. Implemented armored special attack system. Now any special attack can be armored for the cost
     of one additional (blue) meter.
  4. Tutorial modes updated with objective for parry and armored specials.
  5. In Training mode, dummy can be set to do super or special attack (grounded only for now).
  6. Added new color palettes for all characters. 


The July release of Area Zero (v0.15.0) is now available for download:

Release Notes:

0.15.0 (7/19/2024)
  1. Matches ending in a draw are now resolved by determining which character has the higher percentage of their
     damage meter filled.  Percentage graphics added to damage meter.
  2. Special attack revisions:
     a. Each special attack has 5 options: regular, EX, regular with armor (blue), EX with armor (yellow)
       and heavy armor (red).
     b. The new option for heavy armor requires one blue meter to activate, but will continue to armor while
       red (super) meter is available.
     c. Armor tutorial objective updated and moved to the Advanced tutorial.
  3. Iteration on tutorial mode. Updates to run cancelling, parry and armored attacks.
  4. Character statistics card added to character select screen. Press the light punch button (typically 'X' or
     'square' on Xbox and PS controllers, respectively).
  5. Further iterations on the new characters, Michael and Christopher.
     a. Move lists updated.
     b. Color palettes defined and coordinated with the selected character's brother for assists.
     c. Christopher's balloons now colored to match his color palette. Mirror matches should be able to
        distinguish between balloons.
     d. Begin iterating on animations for the brothers.