SWT Binding

Started by Matzon, September 16, 2004, 05:55:01

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Hi guys

Could someone give me an update?
I know that fbi was working on something and also rgrzywinski.

Which works best, and how do I get it running easily (*hint* wiki *hint* :wink: )


Sorry Matzon,
for having not updated my work for a very long time but my PhD dissertation date is approaching and I have to finish writing it  :?
I really believe that both the bindings might be used but there's a real difference between us, as far as I understood it:
1) I put the binding in the core of the library
2) He kept the binding separated from it

I think that's not not such a big difference, but our community should decide which approach is to be picked up.
I can ensure that if additional work is required from me, I could lend my hand in next future (say...in a couple of weeks)  :wink:
And I also ensure that my classes will be better documented (rgrzywinski was right when he said that I didn't document my classes very well, but at that time they were just a proof-of-concept).
There's nothing special to do to get it running: It should work without any problems with LWJGL 0.9 (even if I didn't test it with the latest build)  :wink: