Error in the getting started tutorial: window(long) is being compared to Null.

Started by iamcreasy, May 22, 2018, 05:10:05

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Hello. In the getting started tutorial available here :

Line 50 is the following,
if ( window == NULL )

But the variable window is declared as a primitive long in Line 17,
    private long window;

A primitive long can never be null. So is this a mistake in line 50?



NULL is not null. NULL instead is defined as a static field whose type is long and value is 0. It should resemble



For a Java developer, maybe. But it shows that LWJGL also tries to attract C/C++ developers to the JVM platform by making it easy to adapt the vast amounts of familiar C/C++ OpenGL/GLFW examples/tutorials to the JVM/Java. It is (almost) really only copy and paste.


Hmm, didn't think of it in that way. Interesting observation. Thank you.