Started by AGP, May 10, 2018, 20:36:36

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I'm using a little engine that makes use of AWTGLCanvas (I'm still on lwjgl 2 but I hope 3 still maintains the extremely useful canvas). Since Windows updated itself some ten days ago, every program I wrote that uses the Canvas is out of place (as shown in the image below). I have tried both -Dsun.java2d.d3d=false and -Dsun.java2d.opengl=false settings and neither has helped. Any insight would be extremely appreciated.


Please use swt! I have tested with lwjgl 2.9.3 and swt 4.7.2 and if you want generate with Excelsior Jet 15 than It works fine. If yaou use lwjgl 3.1x and swt than you forget I have already reported about common crash  since I clicked Test Run in Excelsior Jet 15.



I'll try SWT but I've no reason to think that that's going to help: AWT never had this problem before. And yes, I do use Jet as well.