Lwjgl Gane

Started by paul188, November 08, 2015, 07:41:12

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Hello Guys
I have an idea to make a game in java/lwjgl with opengl, where i have a bit experience. The game ahould be in low poly style, what makes it easy to render, but where the scene can be simple made beautiful with some lights and shaders. So anyone whos interested, fpr more information heres my email: Id be very happy if some people would answer this thread too. www.paul188game@outlook.de


With low poly i mean the low poly art style like in GROW HOME, but not as complicated😁


You might have more luck on java-gaming.org, its specifically for people to talk about java games and allows people to talk about and discuss ideas. If you do I would recommend that you provide more information about what you want people to reply about as its not obvious


Really thanks😉 i will try that