Where does mac support stand?

Started by hbomboy, June 10, 2004, 07:01:12

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re mac input...
has anyone tried using jinput in conjunction with lwjgl?  Will that manage to pick up input events with awt, and lwjgl running?  perhaps a sily idea, and jinput might be a dirty word in this forum :-!  but i was wondering if that might work.  Id try it myself, but i cant get the bianary files from jinput (the current bianary archive has no compiled files, and I think im missing the native compiler)  wondering if anyone has tried that, or if anyone can find/ build the mac jinput for me :-)


manager to compile jinput, thanks anyway :-)  JEEZE ITS SOOOO CONFUSING compared to lwjgl.  why the devil does a keyboard need to be treated as 115 sepperate devices!!!! for crying out loud this is just sillyness.  I like the light philosophy so much better.  simple, clean, effective.  any opiniions obout adding game controller support in the future?


hey... I have a real hard time following cocoa... but it looks to me like this app does just about all that you need with regards to mac support.  perhaps im way off... but have a look for me :-)


hope its helpfull
(I guess sans a mac it wont make any sence... so what it does... is make a windowed opengl session through cocoa, it looks like at least, and then with the click of a button it turns that into fullscreen opengl.  hitting the escape key will then take it out of fullscreen and back into windowed mode.  correct me if im wrong... but instantiating an opengl window, a fullscreen opengl window, and being able to recognize keystrokes (ie the escape key) seems like a good part of whats needed for the mac, no?)


ps, it handels other keys as well... w for wireframe, and.... MOUSE INPUT (!!) also


I'll take a look at it when I get a hold of a mac. The great thing about cocoa is that you don't have to use objective c - there is, as far as I know, java bindings for all the cocoa API. Should make it a lot easier, and avoid much annoying JNI fiddling.

- elias


from what ive read... hid input can be a little tricky, i think that exmple uses events instead, but also from what ive read, hid can be iffy, and events have been argued to be jsut as fast anyway :-\


So, um.. in the spirit of "I got an iBook to "learn" game development using LWJGL" but not in actuality.. erm..

Is LWJGL usable under OS X and/or what limitations can I expect at the moment?  Can I use gamepads?  Sound?  ??
ife sucks, kill yourself.


As far as I'm aware it works fine except for two things: you can't use Windowed mode and it won't deploy under Webstart properly because Swing blocks our mouse & keyboard input.

Cas :)