Version of GL

Started by tripleaaa, July 19, 2015, 10:52:20

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There are many different GL-versions avaiable in lwjgl 3.
Which one should i use?
Can i mix them?



All versions of OpenGL are available in LWJGL all the way from 1.1 to 4.5. You decide on which version to use when you create the context by passing hints to GLFW before window creation. You can also ask for different OpenGL profiles which defines how the different versions mix and match. If you ask for a compatibility profile then all the previous versions are usable together, a core profile means only the stuff in that particular version.

As for which should you use. Best to start off as you wish to continue with modern OpenGL. 3.2 is good for that. Your best bet is probably to follow these.

As a side note to anyone else reading, I wanted to link the arcsynthesis tutorial but my link seems to be dead and I can't find it anywhere else. Anyone got a good link I'd appreciate it.


The API's are incremental, GL12 class only has the functionality introduced as part of 1.2 but 1.2 allows you to also use 1.1 hence all the functions in GL11 are also available. So if you want to use 1.2 then GL11 and GL12 are available for you to use. This is the same all the way up to 4.5. The exception is where functionality has been deprecated and is no longer available in a future version. In this case old functionality is restricted and not available for use. An example of this is when the fixed function pipe line was deprecated.


Ok. Thank you for your good answers.
I will try out the tutorial. Thanks for the link :)