LWJGL 3: modifided window

Started by GoldDiggerTh, March 12, 2015, 21:10:16

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I'm currently working on making an editor.
And was troubeling with some UI things and was thinking about making a cool/ nice looking window like spotify does.
So i got everything working fine, but then i forgot that the x and y positions you get from the mouse is from the game and not from the window.
So it was glitching out.

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xVHmm1q_STA

So what i wanted to know is:
is there a way to get the x and y or deltaX and deltaY of you mouse on windows.
is there a better way to get a nice looking window without using undecorated
and any things on top of that that can be better in code or looking ?


Hey GoldDiggerTh,

Interesting glitch, could you post the code you're using?


it's more or less as a bug cause as i said it uses screen x and y position.

but here you go:

for setting position of the screen on the monitor:
private static int lastX =0, lastY =0;
public static void setPosition(int x, int y){
	lastX =x;
	lastY =y;
	glfwSetWindowPos(getWindow(), x, y);

this is the code for the taskbar/titlebar:
	boolean hover =PandaInput.cursorWithin(0, height-24, width, 24);	//this gives bool if a mouse is inside a box (like a button)
	if(hover && Cursor.isButtonDown(0)) move =true;
	if(!Cursor.isButtonDown(0)) move =false;
		int x =(int)Math.floor(PandaInput.getMouseDeltaX());
		int y =(int)Math.floor(PandaInput.getMouseDeltaY());
		if(x !=0 || y !=0)
			setPosition(lastX +x, lastY -y);

hopefully that will do it.