[FIXED] ARBClearBufferObject.glClearBufferSubData

Started by basil, July 04, 2014, 13:11:27

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... not sure if it is behaving as it should. lwjgl version 2.9.1 :




both do not have a size argument but they should i think. the way the methods are implemented :

nglClearNamedBufferSubDataEXT(buffer, internalformat, offset, data.remaining(), format, type, MemoryUtil.getAddress(data), function_pointer);

does not match what http://www.opengl.org/registry/specs/ARB/clear_buffer_object.txt says :

<data> is a pointer to an array of between one and four components
containing the data to be used as the source of the constant fill value.

with data.remaining() it is impossible to clear a range of the buffer to one (or two for RG textures, three for RGB, four for RGBA etc) value(s). the non-ranged methods work fine btw.


You are correct, this will be fixed in the next nightly build. Thanks!
