Lwjgl controlling the Display

Started by Maykin53, June 30, 2014, 11:30:04

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Hi everyone.

Is there a way we can;

1. Bring the Display window to the front programically? I'd like to do this because I have a button that lets users log in with their Google account using OAuth, which opens a tab in the browser - once a user logs in Google's login page then redirects to a local port - my game is listening on that port. I want the game to then bring itself back into focus.

2. Reposition the Display window programically? I'd like to do this as I have added a 'fullscreen' toggle. When a user resizes and repositions the Display window manually, and then clicks 'fullscreen' and then clicks back to 'windowed' I want to be able to set the Display back to the same position and size it was before it went to fullscreen.

Thanks for your help.


Read the Display API, there are methods to set the position. But I cant remember if there were any methods for changing the window focus.


if you use swing, you can use the swing api. position, minimize, maximize, scale and focus (bring-to-front, bring-to-back). without swing you have position, size and fullscreen-yes-no, no focus i think.