VBO's use of java buffers

Started by mireazma, March 17, 2014, 17:26:06

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In all tutorials I've seen the vertex arrays to be used in VBO's are in the form of a FloatBuffer. But the power of B (buffer) in VBO comes from the buffer in GPU. And IIRC in C++ you pass in a simple array into glBufferData(), not a buffer.
So, with java and lwjgl, is the FloatBuffer mandatory or a simple array would do?

And please, can somebody give me a link to learn the methods and their order on how to create and update a VBO at the change of a small part of it? Just the basic skeleton structure to build on. I have already struggled with "The Quad updating a VBO with BufferSubData" in the wiki for like 2 hours but I'm too idiot to understand that, too cluttery for my head.


You have to use buffers, you can not use arrays.
The problem is that with C++ you dont give the entire array as an argument but rather a pointer to the first element of the array as well as the length of the array as an additional argument.
The Buffers are used to simulate this construct. They have a position (pointer to the first element) and a limit (size of the array) as well as a backing array of elements.

For updating the contents of a VBO all you need to do is:
1) Bind the vbo
2) Have the data to update ready in a FloatBuffer
3) call glBufferSubData with the correct arguments

If you need to resize the VBO you have to call glBufferData instead.


Thank you very much, many things are clear now.