Error with Display.processMessages on MacOS

Started by tduindam, February 15, 2014, 12:33:30

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For our game we are calling Display.processMessages on a different thread than the rendering thread.

To get this to work we create the OpenGL context on our main thread. From the graphics thread we call makeCurrent on the display, to transfer ownership of the context.

This works fine on Windows, but on MacOS I get the following error: No OpenGL context found in the current thread.

But that's strange, the main thread is not supposed to own the context.

Am I doing the right thing here? Or does this just not work on MacOS?

Any feedback would be appreciated!

BTW, an observation:

In the stack trace I see that Lwjgl is querying OpenGL (glGetInteger) for something as part of process messages, this might be what is causing my error.
