Does lwjgl support Chinese or Japanese Input?

Started by fusilli, March 31, 2004, 02:41:13

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Forgive my ignorance, I am not familiar with lwjgl.
Does lwjgl support Chinese or Japanese Input(Get GDI IME message),
or support it in the future?
it is important for Asian user.


We haven't actually testet it - so can't confirm one way or the other - you'd just have to try it out :)


Yes, I have tried it out!
But it can not receive IME message.
Does lwjgl use some direct way to access keyboard and avoid GDI message?


Do you not get any input at all? or are you just missing the enumeration for the keys?

LWJGL just copies the 256 byte array of keyboard data provided by DirectInput:*checkout*/java-game-lib/LWJGL/src/native/win32/org_lwjgl_input_Keyboard.cpp?rev=HEAD


hmm, I just looked at the IME stuff - and it's easy enough to enable it - I just don't see how it's propegated to the DirectX layer... Maybe you have some good documents on this stuff?


It's probably only relevant for keyboard translation, which use regular win32 messages, not directx.

 - elias