GearsApplet and Java 7: Thread does not finish execution

Started by lwjgluser, April 19, 2012, 12:22:54

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Hello everyone,

I could not find any report mentioning this so I started a new topic. If it is already a known issue, I apologize.

When I run the GearsApplet example with Java 7 and press the x button to close the window, there are a few threads which do not finish execution.
In particular, a thread that is started after pressing the x button and called "Thread-5", waits for the thread "Thread[thread applet-GearsApplet.class,4,]" to invoke the notify method so it can
leave the loop in the join method of the class Thread. However, this never happens. This problem does not appear with Java 6.

Can you help me to solve this issue?


Can you provide a bit more information as to which version of LWJGL you are using and which OS you are on?

Also when you say pressing the x button, do you mean you close the browser window or the AppletViewer or something?

Also is the java console open when you check which threads are running?



Yes, sure: I am using LWJGL 2.8.3 and Windows Vista. By pressing the x button I mean that I close the applet viewer. Also, I do not use the java console which you open in the task bar (haven't used it before), but the debug view of Eclipse to view the running threads.



is there any progress in solving this bug?
I have the same behavior in my engine. Apparently this only happens within eclipse but i can't be sure since the browser may just force the jvm to quit execution if the user changes the webpage. In addition, using Java 1.7 is pretty anoying because of those demon thread waiting for 'somthing'. Currently i prefer developing in Java 1.6 that cannot be the answer. ;)
