[CLOSED] Event Keys in jinput

Started by n4pgamer, November 30, 2011, 21:35:04

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I'm referencing LWJGL 2.8.1.
I had some trouble with the event keys in the class Keyboard. Because they were queued and I think that's not needed in games with hardware acceleration. So I added another input layer to handle event keys properly. I'll give you my code and you reconsider if you wanna add this feature to the Keyboard / Mouse.

import org.lwjgl.input.Keyboard;

public class MyKeyboard
	// remembers only one key because it is enough for me
	private static int lastKey = 0;

	public static boolean isKeyEvent(int key)
		// checks the last event key being released to release it for the next hit
		if ((lastKey > 0) && (!Keyboard.isKeyDown(lastKey)))
			lastKey = 0;
		// blocks key repetetion 
		if (lastKey == key)
			return false;
		// here comes the hit (very first time the pressed key is recognized)
		if (Keyboard.isKeyDown(key))
			lastKey = key;
			return true;
		// key isn't pushed
		return false;

The use is simple: MyKeyboard.isKeyEvent(int)
It worked good for me because it easily recognized a simple key hit and never repeated it when the player is slow on releasing the key. You might want to save more than 1 key. (If you had that feature already in you class and I used it wrong or not at all then I'm sorry)



using the Keyboard.isKeyDown() method like you use above can lead to missed keys, hence the need for an event buffer.
