LWJGL 2.8.1

Started by Matzon, October 15, 2011, 22:06:28

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The LWJGL team is proud to present the latest release of the fabulous LWJGL: 2.8.1

This release is mostly a bugfix release for all the stuff reported from the 2.8.0 release.

LWJGL 2.8.1

  • + Added @Optional support for AL and GLES.
  • * Fixed signatures: CharSequence[] parameters and ByteBuffer returns.
  • * Fixed issue with Display.setParent and fullscreen
  • * Fixed issue with GLES PixelFormat (as shown by Scala)
  • * Fixed build to include missing OpenGL ES classes on which Display depends.
  • * Excluded desktop OpenGL extensions from the OpenGL ES build.


  • + Added support for NV_platform_binary.
  • * IMG_multisampled_render_to_texture.java, IMG_multisamples_render_to_texture.java, IMG_read_format.java, OES_EGL_sync.java extension updates.


  • * Fixed issue with logo loading
  • * Provide a more meaningful error message when certificates do not match.
  • * Don't output needless lzma.jar is missing message on console unless a lzma file actually being loaded.


  • * Remove the use of Properties from Objective C code to allow binary compatibility on OS X < 10.5

Download: https://sourceforge.net/projects/java-game-lib/files/
Changelog: http://www.lwjgl.org/changelogs/2.8.1-changelog.txt

Remember to donate ;)

Notice: We'd like to remind people to include the copyright, conditions and disclaimer statement for LWJGL in their products, as required by the license. Though we are not about to claim foul in any way, it would be nice to see a link back to lwjgl.org in the credits or documentation at the very minimum.


Congrats on the release! Great work as usual.

I'm having some trouble with Applet on OS X (Java2 plug-in).  It seems that when the Java2 plug-in is used (Firefox, Chrome), the keyboard does not always works.  Sometimes, I have to click on the applet several times, or worst, have to take the browser out-of-focus and then re-focus in order to for keyboard inputs to be properly captured.  Just wondering if anyone is having similar problems.

Once again, thanks for all the great work!

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Quote from: BatKid on October 25, 2011, 18:59:18
It seems that when the Java2 plug-in is used (Firefox, Chrome), the keyboard does not always works.  Sometimes, I have to click on the applet several times, or worst, have to take the browser out-of-focus and then re-focus in order to for keyboard inputs to be properly captured.  Just wondering if anyone is having similar problems.
This sounds like an issue with the Apple Java Plugin and not something on the LWJGL side. Mainly because LWJGL doesn't do anything special with the focus handling other use the standard AWT Canvas. It is however likely that the issue has already been fixed in the latest developer preview of Apple Java (the next version Java Update 6) since Apple implemented some bug fixes around this area.