How to create a chat engine with LWJGL ? :)

Started by johnnyh, September 05, 2011, 20:16:59

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hello all, I am planning to build a free game with LWJGL. It would be a minecraft style game but with different features.

I would like to create a chat for multiplayer purposes but I really dont know how to start ? Must I use sockets ? Does LWJGL have something which help to develop a chat system or shall I use different libraries ? ???

Please help me ! :) Every piece advice is appreciated !


lwjgl is just a low level binding to opengl, openal, opencl, etc so doens't provide such features, so you'll mostly need to code them yourself.

However having said that there are plenty of available libraries that can help you do this with lwjgl. I'd recommend you have a look at TWL library for the opengl gui and KryoNet for the networking part.


Thanks a lot man, I appreciate it. I am going to watch that in a few day and will post a comment back. I am very busy those days.