The Java Rabbit Engine - a 2D Game Engine written with LWJGL

Started by CodeBunny, September 04, 2011, 01:25:49

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...That shouldn't happen. I'm pretty sure I wait for the loading to completely finish before playing the background music.



I gave it another try on my desktop machine. This time everything worked fine. The loading screen have been shown ~1 second and then the main menu were presented.

As the other run was done on my laptop machine, i could try to film the happening or are there any hidden switched to enable debug/logging?



works fine on my laptop and even in desktop which is a little bit older. just have a little problem with sound, but nothing important. it fixes in a few minutes. dunno how sound problem apperas , dunno how its gone. but it is important that it gone :)


My sound API is literally a minimal wrapper around Slick-Util's Sound classes (Music and Audio). If there are loading/playback bugs, it's probably in there...

All that I really do is make instantiation and organization of available sounds simpler. I delegate all playback and loading to Slick-Util methods.