backface culling problem

Started by g4m0r, August 07, 2011, 21:43:18

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I have problems with the backfac culling with lwjgl.
When i enable BackFaceCulling and go with my camera around a object,
the faces will not be drawn.

How can I refresh the backface culling ? (I use a camera with gluLookAt() )

best regards,

Fool Running

Backface culling is implemented by looking at the direction of vertices when rendered (Clockwise or counter-clockwise) specified by the glCullFace function.
My guess is that you are drawing your back vertices in the wrong order so that when you rotate to the other side of your model they are drawn in the wrong direction.

See for more information since I'm bad at describing it.  :P

EDIT: Here is a more visual explanation (scroll down a little):
Programmers will, one day, rule the world... and the world won't notice until its too late.Just testing the marquee option ;D
