[FIXED] Eclipse plugin dosn't provide native libraries correctly.

Started by jeeeyul, April 01, 2011, 03:43:55

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There are several ways to bundle native libraries in eclipse.
I mean, native libraries can be bundled in jar file.

1. Follow standard native library structure like below:

   You can find out valid OS name and Architecture Names as constant fields in Platform class.

2. Use OSGI manifest mechanism.
    in manifest.mf, insert Bundle-NativeCode declarations like this:

    Bundle-NativeCode: native/windows/myDll.dll; osname=Win32; processor=x86

3. Use Equinox mechanism. (like SWT does)
    Create plugin project without libraries.
    and create plugin fragment projects for each os and architecture, and configure Platform Filter like this:
    os=Win32, processor=x86 (LDAP String)

Then, user don't have to configure their library path to execute plugins which uses LWJGL.


Eclipse plugin is no longer supported really...hasn't been worked on in a long time from what I have heard.  Maybe you could fix it.
cool story, bro


Yes, I can. It's quite simple and easy process.
But I think People prefer to use official eclipse update site url.

Can I publish LWJGL eclipse plugin through lwjgl.org/update ?


Quote from: jediTofu on April 01, 2011, 04:09:16
Eclipse plugin is no longer supported really...hasn't been worked on in a long time from what I have heard.  Maybe you could fix it.
It is supported! - jpilgrim comitted a new version yesterday! :)

Consider providing a patch against trunk, or hope that jpilgrim picks up on it. I dont have any experience with eclipse plugins yet.