LWJGL 2.3 Released

Started by Matzon, February 21, 2010, 20:41:29

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This is an important release that fixes a compatibility issue with ATI drivers, specifically 10.x+


  • new: Removed support for indirect buffers as arguments to AL/GL functions
  • new: Added missing tokens in GL30 & GL32
  • new: Added support for AMD_seamless_cubemap_per_texture & AMD_shader_stencil_export
  • fix: Improved compatibility mode detection - Required for all ATI 10.x Drivers.
  • fix: Complete overhaul of the linux focus system when using Display.setParent().
  • fix: WaveData - updated to use available() on audio stream


Remember to donate ;)




Thanks, will update some old tutorial stuff with the new version :)

Fool Running

Programmers will, one day, rule the world... and the world won't notice until its too late.Just testing the marquee option ;D



Question... Is there a document somewhere that describes what each of the jars are and when you'd need them?  For example, I am unsure about AppleJavaExtensions.jar and lzma.jar


Quote from: renanse on February 23, 2010, 19:32:13
Question... Is there a document somewhere that describes what each of the jars are and when you'd need them?  For example, I am unsure about AppleJavaExtensions.jar and lzma.jar

Just ask here, i'd be happy to answer :)

AppletJavaExtension.jar is only needed to compile LWJGL (specifically for the macs dependencies), after that its not needed, precompiled jars which everyone uses shouldn't need it.

lzma.jar is only for deployment when using lwjgl applets. The lwjgl AppletLoader (lwjgl_util_applet.jar) uses it to uncompress lzma files, of course applets can use just plain jars (in which case it won't be needed) but if you decide to use .jar.pack.lzma or .jar.lzma files then you'll need to add lzma.jar to your applet class path so the AppletLoader can uncompress those files. Remember pack200 + lzma = super compressed lwjgl applets :)

lwjgl_util_applet.jar contains lwjgl's super magical AppletLoader, this will deploy the lwjgl natives automatically for you when running lwjgl as an applet while at the same time providing a nice loading screen. Optionally supports lzma and pack200 method of shrinking jars. It needs no extra code, controlled fully with just html.

lwjgl_util.jar contains utility class that you may need, including stuff like GLU (for OpenGL), Vector2d, Vector3d (Maths classes).

lwjgl_test.jar contains various tests and demo's, bascially the stuff found on http://lwjgl.org/demos.php

jinput.jar contains the jinput stuff from controllers and stuff

lastly theres lwjgl-debug.jar (eww, the inconsistency by the use of - instead of _ :)) only jar i'm unsure off but guess its something to do with debugging :)



We're getting lots of reports of no sound on OS X after the update. Any ideas?


I just tried out the new 2.3 release on my Mac and the sound was coming out just fine. I was using the slick library for sound.


hmm, could the OS X sound problem be related to this.

@Tobias do you have any exceptions in the console? does the above rename trick work?


It's this one - new: Removed support for indirect buffers as arguments to GL functions

AL10.alBufferData checks for direct byte buffer, and throws IllegalArgumentException.

I use Pauls Sound System for audio playback: http://www.paulscode.com/
It apparently uses indirect byte buffer

I'd say this change is not very backwards compatible :(


we are very aware of the back compatibility problem, but the performance issues outweighed the change to:

I suggest you get an updated library, as the fix is very easy.

Personally, I wasn't aware at that time that this also extended to OpenAL - but since the change was in the generator it, ofcourse, changes the behavior everywhere. I will update the release note accordingly.

In retrospect, we could probably have generate code that issued a warning instead of flat-out failing.


Yeah it was an easy fix, thanks. Note to self: turn speakers on when testing new releases