swing & lwjgl?

Started by shultays, January 13, 2010, 18:35:20

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is it possible to use swing componenets with lwjgl? for example a JLabel that shows fps?

I tried to add a JLabel but I guess lwjgl draws on JLabel and it gets erased.

or maybe is it possible to draw swing onto a canvas?


one thing you could use instead of Swing, is the PureSwing library, it same as swing just that you'll be able to use it within opengl http://pureswing.advel.cz/

another option is just use the twl gui http://twl.l33tlabs.org/

you might want to join #lwjgl on irc.freenode.net (on IRC) to speak to the authors of those libraries for more help.


thanks, I will check them