setting up my lwjgl

Started by arnelpogs, December 03, 2009, 07:36:31

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hi there .i just try 2 run an example program writen in lwjgl and i succesfully  complie it
but i cant run it the prompt says many error is it the natives where i should place my lwjgl natives i talking about the .dll's like i done when i set up my jogl natives.thank u n advance


You should put the dlls and jars inside your project folder when you distribute it. for example in /myproject/libs/jars/ and /myproject/libs/natives/windows
For the startbatch you have to provide the -dJava.library.path (natives) and classpath to the jar files. Then it should run fine =)



never put your natives in the sdk/jre/bin folders, it is the classic noob mistake.

instead link to it as mentioned in the above post.

Fool Running

This is not a question for a poll to answer.

It is just wrong to put it into the bin folder. Plain and simple. ;D

Programmers will, one day, rule the world... and the world won't notice until its too late.Just testing the marquee option ;D