Nate Robins´tutorials - not working?

Started by archimbolda, October 06, 2009, 10:41:34

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Hello all

I am learning OpenGL and find it very interesting. I am following the Red Book, where I am suggested to take a look at Nate Robins tutorials. The problem is, when I download them from the web, they don´t work at all.

When I try to run any of the examples (¨fog.c¨, or ¨transformation.c¨) I get this error in the Run Log:

[Session started at 2009-10-06 12:37:01 +0200.]
glmReadOBJ() failed: can't open data file "data/f-16.obj".

fog has exited with status 1.

and this warning in the code:

warning: no rule to process file '$(PROJECT_DIR)/glm.h' of type sourcecode.c.h for architecture i386

There is a folder in the xcode project called ¨data¨ with all the models inside so...why it won´t work?
I have no previous experience with programming, and for the moment I have a very light idea of how to use Xcode.
What can I do? I really want to see these useful tutorials!  ???


And this is the completely wrong place to ask for that kind of help. This is about Java and OpenGL using LWJGL. You should try here: check "OpenGL on Macintosh"...
If you got a shiny new hammer, every problem looks like a nail!


ok, thanks, I will have a look at your link