ArenaWars - a game using lwjgl

Started by efikkan, June 22, 2009, 14:20:28

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A couple of months ago I participated in a game project at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology. This game was elected the best java game of the year at the university. The game is now available to play free of charge at the following website:

ArenaWars is a small strategy game for two players playing in a duel. Each player gets to choose his army, and each fighter got it's own special abilities. You got four different fighters to pick from, the soldier, the archer, the medic and the engineer(wich builds walls by right-clicking). The boards are random generated, and depending on the layout of the board, the different fighters will have different advantages. For instance a wall will let archers shoot the soldies on the other side, while the soldiers would need to brake down the wall.

An ingame screenshot:

* Kill the medics as quickly as possible, since they can heal your opponent's fighters.

More screenshots and information are available at the website.

To play the game, enter the website, click play, select the server closest to your location, and then select if you want to play the game with or without audio.

Feel free to post feedback for this game in this thread. This game was made just for fun, but the team are working on larger projects. If people keep playing this game, we might consider releasing more games free of charge.

- I did not decide the name of the game.
- A link to the lwjgl copyright notice is displayed where you select the game.

The concept and design of this game was done by the other members of the group. My job was essentially to put all their stuff together to something you might call a "game" in a very little timeframe.
