Does pbuffer.bindTexImage() still only work for Windows?

Started by elias4444, March 07, 2009, 17:13:26

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Does pbuffer.bindTexImage still only work for Windows? And if so, is there any other method to copy the pbuffer to a texture other than using glCopyTexSubImage2D?


I tried once PBuffer but the reference stuff was too insufficient to get things to display correctly on the screen.
If the card supports it, I think you can use FrameBuffer_EXT for Render-to-texture. But that's OpenGL 2.0 specs.


Yeah, I'm using FBOs at the primary method. I just need pbuffers for a fallback in case FBOs aren't supported.

Fiddling around with it more, it's looking like it's only supported on Windows, and even then, with only some hardware. Oh well.  :-\