Swing problems..

Started by xEnt, December 26, 2008, 04:20:49

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Okay so i wrote a GUI using all swing components, only to find Display.setParent(Canvas canvas) take's an awt Canvas only, so i decided to use an awt Canvas, then i get problems mixing swing with awt (my swing Menubar stays behind the awt Canvas)

So how may i get something Swing equivalent to an awt Canvas, something like a GLJPanel from swing.


I have a similar problem, unfortunately not with menus, but with jInternalFrame.
I'd like to have some LWJGL Content in a jInternalFrame, but it is always drawed on top.
Is there already a solution for this, or just wait til Java 1.7, where this will be fixed?


As of Matzon's post, I've got my canvas running the whole time with popup menus, here's how to set the heavyweight state globally :
// Globally use heavyweight components for all popup menus


Basically, you'll have to wait for Java 7 before this problem is satisfactorily solved.

Cas :)