[solved] Java beginner... how to set up?

Started by deavik, August 02, 2008, 08:21:04

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Sorry for the noobish question (I AM new to java)...
Where do I actually put the files I downloaded for ljwgl so I can import them like the wiki says?
import org.lwjgl.opengl.Display;

I use Arch linux x86_64 and java (sun) and jdk 1.6 are installed at /opt/java. I am using Emacs and there are instructions for netbeans, eclipse etc. on the website.




Thanks for the reply, I actually just figured it out... I put the so files in my /usr/lib directory and the jar file in my /opt/java/lib/.

I downloaded the 2.0rc1, and the example program here http://lwjgl.org/wiki/doku.php/lwjgl/tutorials/opengl/basicopengl gives me runtime errors in the opengl.Display class. Should I use the 1.1.4 version?

Thanks again!

/EDIT: To be precise:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/lwjgl/opengl/Display
	at Game.cleanup(Game.java:105)
	at Game.main(Game.java:40)
and that line is "Display.destroy;"


Had to add to classpath... sorry for being a dumbass and cluttering up the forums.


And give up on Emacs and start using Eclipse instead too while you're at it :) Your life will become much easier.

Cas :)


no! - please access the .so files by using -Djava.library.path=<path>/<to>/<native>/<libraries>