Bug or intentional? setGrabbed resets mouse wheel

Started by ndhb, February 21, 2008, 19:28:01

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Hi all!

Am I the only thinking it's rather odd that the mouse wheel value ("dwheel") is reset in "setGrabbed" (via the "resetMouse" method)?

It means that we have to poll the value for the mouse wheel, e.g. Mouse.getDWheel() BEFORE changing grabbed status (or that method will always be returning "0"). My application works by grabbing the mouse when a mouse button is pressed (to move around) and then releasing grab when a mouse button is released.

Any thoughts?  ::)


1 option is to always have the mouse grabbed, and draw a custom mouse icon when not holding down the mouse key


You have a good point.

However, I was more looking for any reasons why doing resetting the mouse wheel at the point, was a good idea.