Making a lwjgl program into an Applet - no instructions on wiki?

Started by kevingc, February 08, 2008, 00:00:03

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Hi everyone,

I'm new to the openjgl scene (coming over from JOGL), and I'm having problems porting an application to an applet. Are there special types and methods I should be using when trying to get an lwjgl app (for example, gears) running as an Applet?

PS. I know that the Applet demo has an applet version of Gears inside it, but I'm asking for a "for dummies" version of how to turn the regular Gears sample (from the lwjgl website) into an applet. I know there's something more to it than just extending from Applet, because that didn't work...


So, basically, you're saying that I need to extend AWTGLCanvas?

I'm a little confused. The wiki instructions say that I need to extend Applet, but the example you linked to only extends AWTGLCanvas. Am I missing something?


you extend Applet and place an AWTGLCanvas on it to use LWJGL.


Ok, thanks, I think I get it.

1. Extend Applet in a dummy class.
2. Write the rendering in a class that extends AWTGLCanvas.
3. Add the AWTGLCanvas-derived class to the layout of the applet.


I tried extending the Gears sample with AWTGLCanvas. That seemed to work and was trivial to do.

However, I don't think I'm adding it to the applet correctly. First, I call this.add on the altered Gears sample. Then I call Gears.main(null). This creates an applet window and a second window. The gears are only rendered in the second window. If I do not call Gears.main, then nothing happens.