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Input in Windows

Started by Qudus, January 12, 2008, 02:49:35

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I can't get LWJGL's wonderful input system to work on Windows. It works perfectly on Linux. Is there anything to be done a different way on Windows except for using different natives?

This is the code, that I'm calling from the current-made context thread:;
System.out.println( org.lwjgl.input.Keyboard.getNumKeyboardEvents() );

This always dumps "0" no matter which key I press and release.

Keyboard.isCreated() returns true as it should, since I have properly created the Keyboard.

The same is true for the Mouse.

Any thoughts?



very strange?
Are you using multiple threads and stuff?
Do you have a simple test case ?


Quote from: Matzon on January 12, 2008, 12:04:29
very strange?
Are you using multiple threads and stuff?
Do you have a simple test case ?

Yes, I am using one thread for rendering only and one for everything else. But in my current case only the render thread is used.

Unfortunately I don't have a simple testcase. But I will try to create one.



OK, seems like I found the bug myself. I forgot to call the poll() method before the loop over next(). This doesn'T seem to hurt on Linux. But on Windows it does.

Anyways. It was a bug on my side. Sorry for the false alarm.

Thanks for your patience and for the great library.
