new to lwjgl

Started by Nu, October 12, 2006, 03:23:25

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i just started using lwjgl this week, i was wondering if anyone could answer a few questions

what do i have to do to enable devil on lwjgl, i looked in the jar and the devil package has no classes in it

if i want to make a jar
-what dlls do i need to include in the release
-what jars do i have to include
-do i want to include these in my jar or link them


Quotewhat do i have to do to enable devil on lwjgl, i looked in the jar and the devil package has no classes in it

You need to download the "lwjgl-optional" package in order to get the devil jar + dll
Dark Skull Software


thanks, i didnt nodice the otional packages


i installed the extra but i keep getting

java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: nilGenImages

i loaded the jar and added all the dll's, any idea whats wrong


missing a IL.create


ok, that worked, thanks