MS JVM compatibility

Started by polskyman, September 29, 2006, 16:38:45

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Hi everybody,

I would like to know how to make LWJGL compatible with MS JVM.
has someone ever managed to do it ?
thank you to help me on this concern of compatibility.


you can't. MS VM is Java 1.1.4, we require 1.4 at least


Ok but would it be possible to make it compatible with MS JVM ?

Fool Running

Its not worth going all the way back to Java v1.1 if its possible at all (I don't know if it does JNI at all or not).
I wouldn't hold my breath for MS JVM support because I don't think it will ever come. :D
Its almost like trying to get new programs to run on Windows 3.1  :lol:
Programmers will, one day, rule the world... and the world won't notice until its too late.Just testing the marquee option ;D


You should know a lot of person use MS java because they have windows NT.
being compatible with MS JVM is important and yes it support native JNI


But who would ever play games on an old Windows NT 4.0? It's just not the OS for games. That's like especially supporting Windows Server 2003 - there's no point to it.

Windows XP is an NT family member. So... Why support old versions?

Besides, supporting Microsofts very weird behavior considering Java 'back in the days' is weird itself. Remember the lawsuits?

QuoteYou should know a lot of person use MS java because they have windows NT.
Not for OpenGL games, I suppose. And it's only common in business contexts. The outdated ones, I have to say.
being compatible with MS JVM is important
I don't want to start a flamewar, but that's totally wrong. The MS JVM is something that hopefully dies soon.


errr, JNI is 1.4+, the MS JVM cannot do JNI...



Quote from: "darkprophet"errr, JNI is 1.4+, the MS JVM cannot do JNI...

Not so. JNI has been around since the beginning, though I don't think it was actually referred to as JNI until Java 1.1. I've got an old book by Laura Lemay that was published before Java 1.1 was released and it talks about "native methods". A 1.2 book I have talks about new capabilities in that version of the JNI. So it's been around a while.

The MS VM, as I recall, supports an alternative MS-specific native call interface. I can't remember what it is called or any of the details about it, but I believe it was supported in addition to the JNI. It's been a long while since I worked with 1.1 or the MS VM.

@polskyman - supporting the MS VM is fruitless today. You would be really limiting yourself to a very small number of users, limiting what you can do technologically, and getting little return for the effort. It's not worth it.


Quote from: "polskyman"You should know a lot of person use MS java because they have windows NT.
being compatible with MS JVM is important and yes it support native JNI

What numbers or statistics do you have to back this up?  I would think that there would be very few people using it.  Less, much less, than 1%?

the2bears - the indie shmup blog


tbh, a fair deal of old installations - win9x, me, nt, xp all use the ms jvm 1.1.4. I dont have any numbers but I do know its high enough that we have to keep our casual games working in an 1.1.4 environment. That said, LWJGL cannot be made to work on ms jvm, because of the lack of NIO.


So totally not worth it. It would be like starting again with the very first alpha.

Well, lwjgl is opensource... so you could gather a handfull of people and some years later you have something sorta nice.

Alternatively you can either rely on 1.4+ being installed, bundle the jre, embedd the jre or compile it natively (jet/gcj).


the problem is that in business a lot of people have the MS JVM.
that is true. and maybe 20 % of java PC have the MS JVM.
it would be so good if LWJGL had this option because I do not understand the aboslute need of java NIO for LWJGL ...
where can I find the source code of LWJGL ?


You can find the source at SourceForge's SVN repo.

You really want to convert stuff? You're scary ;)


As i allready said in ICQ. Don't rely on M$ JVM. Use Sun's instead. You would reach far more ppl when not relying on M$ JVM.


I need this to be compatible to MS JVM in addition to Sun.
I offer 1000 € to the person making this conversion.
anyone interested contact me.