Gentoo's LWJGL experimental package.

Started by ali_bush, September 10, 2006, 07:50:26

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At present this will fail

ant clean clean-generated generate-all

as clean will delete the bin directory.

therefore all generate targets should depend on -initialize

Im changing the name so that it reflect that I am going to put everything in here that is of interest to gentooers.


ok guys.  I have just added a ebuild (install script) and a patch that will allow lwjgl to build on gentoo. (pretty minor stuff)

They are located HERE
the patch is located under the  files directory.

For gentoo users, you must have migrated to the new java system.  If you dont know what that is then this ebuild WILL NOT WORK.  have a look gentoo's java project.


HOWTO run a test on gentoo

assuming you move the lwjgl_test.jar to the root of the extracted release archive

java -cp .:lwjgl_test.jar:res:`java-config --classpath=jutils,jinput,lwjgl` -Djava.library.path=`java-config --library=lwjgl,jinput` org.lwjgl.test.input.KeyboardTest

Note gentoo's amd64 doesn't have fmod support so nether does lwjgl at present.