LWJGL demos and example code updated

Started by napier, August 10, 2005, 14:37:44

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I updated my demos and example code to use LWJGL .97 (just in time for .98 ;-)).


I build the demos using two base classes, GLApp.java and GLImage.java, that contain many handy functions for OpenGL, such as:


Other features include model loading and OpenAL sound.

Javadocs are here http://potatoland.org/code/gl/javadoc

It's all stuff I've had to figure out, so I wrapped it up for future use. The code is simple and can be easily cut and pasted, may help to shorten the learning curve for new LWJGL/opengl programmers.
penGL/Java/LWJGL demos and code: http://potatoland.org/code/gl



I'm using it, there is a lot of cool functions for beginners (like me :) )