LWJGL moved to Subversion

Started by elias, April 05, 2006, 18:33:30

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Since SourceForge now supports Subversion repositories in addition to CVS, we've moved the LWJGL source code to Subversion. The CVS links on the SF page for LWJGL has been disabled, but you can still access the CVS repository directly. However, no further development will happen there.

To access the subversion repository see:


- elias


Great move! Subversion is so much simpler to work with. CVS just needs to be taken out back and shot.


Nice move!  :D

'nd it already saved me hours of debugging with it's cool annotated diff-view (yes, I know, it's the 'viewcvs.cgi' script): http://svn.sourceforge.net/viewcvs.cgi/java-game-lib/trunk/LWJGL/src/java/org/lwjgl/opengl/LinuxDisplay.java?view=diff&r1=2248&r2=2249

Slightly off-topic:
Is it possible to download the current TRUNK (fka HEAD) revision binaries for all platforms somewhere? I need to do some testing ... and the end of april is getting closer: http://lwjgl.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1533
