[hash.c:395] failed read

Started by sthorsen, November 22, 2005, 09:08:59

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Hi! When running the following code I get the "[hash.c:395] failed read" a whole bunch of times on the error output stream. The code works fine (as far as I know). Any suggestions on how to get rid of the error messages?

public int loadALData() {
		// Load wav data into a buffer.

		if (AL10.alGetError() != AL10.AL_NO_ERROR)
			return AL10.AL_FALSE;

		WaveData waveFile = WaveData.create("openAL/FancyPants.wav");
		AL10.alBufferData(buffer.get(0), waveFile.format, waveFile.data,
		// Bind the buffer with the source.

		AL10.alGenSources(source); // <------------------"[hash.c:395] failed read" comes from here

		if (AL10.alGetError() != AL10.AL_NO_ERROR)
			return AL10.AL_FALSE;

		AL10.alSourcei(source.get(0), AL10.AL_BUFFER, buffer.get(0));
		AL10.alSourcef(source.get(0), AL10.AL_PITCH, 1.0f);
		AL10.alSourcef(source.get(0), AL10.AL_GAIN, 1.0f);
		AL10.alSource(source.get(0), AL10.AL_POSITION, sourcePos);
		AL10.alSource(source.get(0), AL10.AL_VELOCITY, sourceVel);
		// Do another error check and return.
		if (AL10.alGetError() == AL10.AL_NO_ERROR)
			return AL10.AL_TRUE;

		return AL10.AL_FALSE;