Mac OS X port and OpenAL

Started by atze, December 06, 2004, 09:34:03

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i'm trying the mac-port with jME.
the opengl part seems to work.
now i tried the PongRevisited example:

06.12.2004 15:30:55 com.jme.sound.lwjgl.SoundSystem initializeOpenAL
INFO: OpenAL initalized!
06.12.2004 15:30:55 com.jme.sound.lwjgl.SoundSystem initalizeEAX
INFO: Initalizing EAX
06.12.2004 15:30:55 com.jme.sound.lwjgl.SoundSystem initalizeEAX
WARNUNG: Failed to Initialize EAX
org.lwjgl.LWJGLException: EAX instance could not be created.
	at org.lwjgl.openal.eax.EAX.create(
	at com.jme.sound.lwjgl.SoundSystem.initalizeEAX(
	at com.jme.sound.lwjgl.SoundSystem.<init>(
	at com.jme.sound.SoundAPIController.getSoundSystem(
	at jmetest.sound.PongRevisited.simpleInitGame(
	at jmetest.sound.PongRevisited.main(

i have the openal.dylib in /Library/Java/Extensions and installed the openal framework from creative in /Library/Frameworks.

can anyone point me to my mistake? or is openal not fully supported by the mac-port?


For reasons beyond our control, EAX is only supported on Windows. Just ignore the error.