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JOGL for Solaris

Started by jbanes, June 16, 2003, 02:40:48

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(Also posted on

Ok guys, I've got a build of JOGL for Solaris. I had to
tweak the make file a bit to get GCC to work, but here it is:

Some notes:

1. I compiled this on an Ultra 10 with Solaris8/PGX8
VidCard/Software Rendering. What version of GL it was
compiled against is beyond me.
2. I can't support this since I'm rarely at the physical
machine. Use at your own risk, blah, blah, blah.
3. The package contains binaries only. Look for JavaDocs and
Source elsewhere.
4. I've tested the port of nehe31 and it works with one
minor change. You need to change the hardcoded "Z:/..." path
to "../data/[modelname].ms3d" and recompile.

That's all I can think of for now. Enjoy!


This is interesting. Which leads me to ask, is there any plans for LWJGL and Solaris? Believe it or not, I think there is a decent market for Solaris, especially those of us in the military world. If LWJGL was ported to Solaris and OS X I'd be a very happy camper.
ever send a man to do a monkey's work.


It depends on who's got a Solaris box to hand, and who's got the time and energy to get the port together. Whoever did it would need to get OpenAL working too of course, which might be more of a problem.

Cas :)


A solaeis port of lwjgl would probably be easy given the linux port - the only problem is access to a solaris machine. So yes, I'd like solaris support but unless someone steps up to do it or I'm given a solaris I can't see it being done soon. In any case, I consider MacOS X support far more important right now.

- elias


That is the problem with LWJGL. I've though about attempting a port, but there's so much more than just compiling against OpenGL (the easy part). Plus, I wouldn't really have time to support it. Which is of course more problamatic for LWJGL than a quicky build of JOGL.

On the bright side, anyone who needs a Sun machine should look here:

An 8 way e3500 for ~$1000-$3000!? Seems too good to be true, doesn't it?


We MUST get that Mac port completed this summer.
I am almost thinking about getting a loan and buying a Mac dev machine and learning how to code the damn thing to kicstart it. We fully anticipate at least a third of all our sales will be on the Mac platform.

Cas :)


Well, there's not much gaming in a jogl-only system, is there?

- elias


Quote from: "elias"Well, there's not much gaming in a jogl-only system, is there?

Well, there is actually. Combined with standard AWT and JavaSound, it should work fine for many games. After all, the only thing really missing from the Java core is 3D support. It just lacks the "standalone" factor of LWJGL.


And I'm willing to bet quite a few pints of beer that the solaris version could be supported with a few strategically placed #ifdefs in the linux code. The little i saw of the jogl code indicated that SUN did it that way, am I right?

If I am correct, I dare you to do the Solaris port, even with the little time you have to do it, jbanes.

- elias


What about the OpenAL port? Will that work more or less like the Linux version too?

Cas :)


Right, if there's no OpenAL on solaris then we're screwed of course. But I hear JavaSound is not the best of options either.

- elias


A few ifdefs, eh? And how do you propose I handle full screen mode? The XVidMode extention is XFree86 specific. Not to mention OpenAL. Does a Solaris Binary even exist? All I get is "404 Not Fouind" when I follow their binary links. And let's not forget that there's probably some tweaking to be done to the input classes. Considering that I have physical access to my Solaris machine for about 2-4 hrs a week, it would probably take quite a while for me to finish any port I attempt.

P.S. (JOGL was actually already already ported. All I needed to do was change the Makefile to use GCC instead of Sun's Forte C. Or is that SunONE? I'm so confused.)


Well if OpenAL supports Solaris it is very easy to download the source and simply build a version. At least that's what my experience from linux is. Regarding fullscreen mode, there's no reason you can't do the same as fullscreen under code Java. That is, use a borderless window at the same size as the desktop.

- elias


I'd love to help with the port. However, my biggest problem is all the Sun systems I'm exposed to are classified machines and they have a real problem doing anything non-work related on them. If I can convince them that this would be good for the future of the project then they may approve. I'll see if I have any luck.
ever send a man to do a monkey's work.


QuoteWell if OpenAL supports Solaris it is very easy to download the source and simply build a version.

Ok, I'll bite. (Goes and CVSes the latest OpenAL to machine via SSH.)

bash-2.03$ ls
CHANGES  CREDITS  INSTALL  beos     docs     linux    win
COPYING  CVS      README   demos    include  mac

Hmmm.... BEOS, but no Solaris? Ok, let's try the Linux folder.

bash-2.03$ sh ./ warning: AC_TRY_RUN called without default to allow cross comg warning: AC_TRY_RUN called without default to allow cross comg warning: AC_TRY_RUN called without default to allow cross comg
bash-2.03$ ./configure --prefix=/usr/local
blah, blah, blah
bash-2.03$ gmake
blah, blah
gmake[1]: Entering directory `/export/home/jbanes/Java/OpenAL/openal/linux/src'
gcc  -I../../include -I../include -I../audioconvert -Iarch -I.   -g -O2 -fPIC -Wshadow -Wall -W -Wbad-function-cast -Wcast-qual -Wo
arch/solaris/solaris_native.c:41: sys/audioio.h: No such file or directory
gmake[1]: *** [arch/solaris/solaris_native.o] Error 1
gmake[1]: Leaving directory `/export/home/jbanes/Java/OpenAL/openal/linux/src'
make: *** [all] Error 2

WTF? I'm missing the audio headers? Huh. Well, I guess I better pull out the Solaris CDs and track down the missing package.


Oh wait. I can't. I'm not at the physical machine.

While I think LWJGL on Solaris would be great, Solaris and Linux are very different systems and I just don't have the time to do a port. Not to mention that I use my Solaris box for a server and really don't want to be installing libs all over creation. However, if you're in the mood, you can buy one of those pretty Sun machines I pointed out for only a few hundred.  :P