
Started by jakethesnake, September 01, 2024, 06:59:32

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Hello. I have a a distributed app, and one of the users is getting a java.lang.unsatisfiedLinkError when loading lwjgl.dll

From googling, I found this:

And indeed, the problem resolved when the user changed his name from something cryllic to ascii.

This is with the previous version of lwjgl. I'm not sure if something has been fixed in the latest release. I can't make sense of the patch notes. It would be strange though, as this bug would have been noticed from day 1.


Hey jakethesnake,

How old is the LWJGL version? This should be fixed with https://github.com/LWJGL/lwjgl3/commit/dedb44e0ab364ceab1f452daa825930052b1829c, available since version 3.2.2.


Thank you,

No, alas, the version is 3.3.3

The username was reported to be: пользователь
When the user changed to something latin, the error disappeared.

Let me know if it's something you can reproduce, or else I'll break my windows install and try it.


I just tested it again and the fallback appears to be working fine.


Quote from: spasi on September 02, 2024, 08:35:24I just tested it again and the fallback appears to be working fine.

I tested as well just now, and it does work for me. Very strange. I asked the user to remove the temporary lwjgl.dll There's no 32-bit lwjgl version anymore, right? So It can't be an outdated version.


It claims it's x64 3.3.3 here.

A mystery then, or error on our side. Thank for the help.