Adding native library that uses opengl

Started by Balint66, March 11, 2020, 12:10:18

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I'm new to the forum so if I'm posting in the wrong place then feel free correct me and point me to the right place to post my question. ðŸâ,,¢â€š

So here comes my problem: I have a native library that uses the current opengl context on the thread but it's unable to access it by the way I implemented it.

First I tried to use the library with JNA and then start working with its methods but several errors occured.

Now I decided to start from scratch and doing it the right way.

Now how can I do that in the "lwjgl" way?

I'm ready to write the mappings for the funkcions (or create generator functions 😅) so that is not a problem.

Thank you for your help in advance!